Sets In sets we always keep unique values . Set ca…
Logical operators Logical operators are used to combine one condition with anot…
Dictionaries When we save data and also associate a k…
Lists Lists are the number of elements and…
Tuples In tuples we cannot change the values in t…
For Loop is used when we know that how many time to repeat this loop to reach…
while loop is used when we don't know how many times to repeat this loop …
If else: Through if else we prove that which statement is true or…
Arithmetic operator are used to perform arithmetic operations . Addition:(+) S…
Math Libraries #ceil: ceil are used for those type of value which is…
String is the chain of characters: #Code name=input(" Tell me your name :…
#int age=21 #float Cgpa=3.5 #string Gmail="www." pri…
Python is the basically the programming Language . This Language is basically u…